Isolation, disparity, inequalities … When cancer harms us much more than just through illness.
Are all odds stacked in my favour? How am I going to be able to go on? Why do I feel abandoned? When we feel isolated, these questions are like so much fog that invades our thoughts and saps our energy, which stops us in our tracks in a world that is quickly moving ahead […]
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Cancer and femininity: how do we escape the clichés?
When we’re diagnosed with cancer and we must go through treatments to heal us, we immediately imagine the different possible consequences and side effects: surgery, excision, hair loss, weight loss or gain, dryness, etc. A full range of consequences that can call into question a lot of our habits or, at the very least, the […]
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Cancer: coming to terms with fear to better handle daily life
Will this be my last Christmas? Will I always have the sword of Damocles dangling above my head? Will my children be able to grow up normally? Am I going to suffer? Feeling afraid is a part of life. But fear takes on a different dimension when we are diagnosed with cancer. It lives in […]
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Illness and sexuality: a new balance to achieve
Fatigue, mental fogginess, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, muscular pain, disrupted relationship with your body are some of the side effects of the cancer treatments that can sometimes completely cut off our sexuality. But it can be an important element in our daily well-being. We’d like to give you some tips to finding the right balance.
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Reclaiming your body and intimacy when you have cancer
When we become sick, our bodies and our relation to them changes, and it is not uncommon to feel disconnected or estranged from your own body. This separation deprives us of all intimacy. Our bodies become objects and lose all their cherished character. They are thus no longer able to be an allies in our […]
Read moreMÊME Story
MÊME is a story about women, about illness and, most importantly… an encounter. A GIRL THING Everything started with the experience of my mum, who died with cancer when I was 19 years old. Despite how serious her illness was, my mum was a fighter, but also a real girly girl! My mum always loved […]
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How to effectively fight against vaginal dryness?
Although it is sometimes difficult to talk about, vaginal dryness can be a (very) undesirable effect of your treatments. We have conducted a little investigation for you: what exactly is it? How can we fight against the dryness of our intimate parts? What are the solutions to limit the discomfort in everyday life? We tell […]
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How to take care of your wig: our tips and tricks!
Because you need to take care of your wig as you did with your hair, MÊME has collected for you all the tricks to take care of it and keep it beautiful and in good condition for as long as possible! Brush it! …every night! Comb your wig with a brush soft enough not to […]
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Cancer: How to knock out fatigue
Fatigue is unfortunately a very important part of the disease: it affects everyone in a different way and can be quite disabling. Simple activities such as preparing a meal, climbing stairs, washing or reading can be very difficult. To help you understand this phenomenon, here is our dedicated guide. For a healthy person, fatigue is […]
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Preventing and alleviating hand-foot syndrome
During chemotherapy or following more targeted cancer treatments (in particular with Sutent™, Nexavar™ or Xéloda™), it is not uncommon to experience burning or extreme dryness in the feet and hands. This is the famous hand-foot syndrome. Here are six tips to try to prevent and relieve this side effect of treatments. Tip no. 1: PRE-VEN-TION! […]
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Cancer treatments: how to get your eyelashes and eyebrows to grow back
Some cancer treatments temporarily cause eyelashes and eyebrows to fall out. But don’t worry, at the end of the treatment, the hairs gradually reappear and certain gestures can improve this re-growth beforehand. So here are our little tips to stimulate the skin and effectively and gently encourage the regrowth of eyelashes and eyebrows 😉 Remove […]
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How to support a loved one suffering from cancer
A sick person is also someone’s wife, someone’s mother, someone’s friend. Learning about a loved one’s cancer is upsetting for those around them. And we very often wonder about the role we should play during this difficult ordeal. How should we react and act when faced with the cancer of someone so close to us […]
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